Thursday, December 25, 2008

"Maharaja Yes"

I was randomly surfing the net today when I came across this blog. While the content was interesting, what was more interesting is that "important shock" was an anagram of the author's name.

It got me thinking, what kind of anagrams would my name generate. Googling for "anagram generator" took me to's 'Internet Anagram Server'. I fired up the generator and here are some of the anagrams it generated for my name (Ajeya Sharma):

Maharaja Yes
Maharajas Ye
A Hearsay Jam
A Rajah Seamy
Area Ham Jays

Yeah, yeah, I have way too much time to kill :-)


Srikanth said...

Maharaja, Yes I've tried for my name and got some of these :(

Trash Ink
Trash Kin
Rank Shit
Rat Knish

Sasidhar said...

lol, nice !

Abhishek said...

Nice post.
-- Yes Oh Pro (sheopory).